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Thursday 15:17 12.06.2007 |
Marshall Hall |
Hi Dan: Thank you for all the work in putting all the history of ZODISTS organization. About a month ago I called Norm's home WB6LKY and Kitty ,his xyl , told me he had passed away about a year ago.Norm was a great guy and he will be missed. I did not that Bob Geiso had passed away. Well some of us are getting very old HI. Got an E mail from Tom K6DK and he is still working in Nevada and comes home on week ends . He has little time for HAM RADIO. I am still on the air on 1200 MHZ to 160 Meters. I still have a system on Oat Mt. and Lukins with Tom N7RDA.
Tom owns all the equipment on Lukins and we both own all the equipment on Oat. The system has great coverage. Hi to all the Old timers .73, Marsh K6MEF
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Wednesday 20:32 11.28.2007 |
Wendell seymour |
Thanks Dan for taking the time and effort to put all this in writing.
As Bil told you , ZOD is up and running.
I enjoyed reading it all.
Wendell AA6MI
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Tuesday 23:03 11.27.2007 |
Bil Seymour |
Hi, Dan --
Well, it was 16-months ago that you originally invited me to visit your ZOD History Website. I finally got the time to do so and it was worth the wait.
What a fine effort by you and Trisha! Preserving the newsletters in their original form was a great idea.
Even though I lived every minute of the time depicted in your account, there were many things I had forgotten.
Let me add a few personal remembrances:
-- The all night sessions at Greg's house, when we were building the first decoder and control system.
-- The time my playing spoons fell out of a hole in my pants pocket and clanked down my leg and onto the floor.
-- The 32-minute terror ride that Greg took on the back of the Honda 750 belonging to (Can't Remember His Name), when Pacific Telephone suddenly switched us over to DTMF decode and the tone-to-pulse converter had to be removed from service.
-- Visiting Bob in the middle of his building the system and being astonished that every square inch of his one-bedroom apartment was covered with ZOD sub-assemblies and parts of every description.
-- Scouring the surplus store on Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena for anything that could be used in building or maintaining ZOD, including nearly every crystal can relay they ever sold.
-- Functioning our first 2-Meter remote radio (before we figured out how to filter its receiver) onto W6FNO and re-broadcasting music from two or three FM broadcast stations simultaneously.
-- Enjoying making autopatch calls in my Jaguar XK-E through a full-duplex Motorola U64MHT using a genuine Automatic Electric Princess Telephone installed on the dashboard that I had stuffed all the guts of the control head into -- during a time when car phones were so rare that IMTS had just 11-channels in Los Angeles.
-- Similarly, being able to make (and receive) telephone calls from almost anywhere using my HT 220 Slim Line at a time when the very concept of cell phones would have been science fiction.
-- The wonderful late night round table discussions we had through the repeater which would go on for three, four, or five hours at a stretch.
-- By contrast, the loud, contentious, but passionate arguments we would have at our meetings, over some of the most minor changes in our By-Laws -- said meetings routinely starting at 6:30 PM and not finishing until as late as 2:30 AM.
-- Mostly, I remember the wonderful friendships I made with so many terrific people who passed in and out of our membership rolls over the last 34-years, all of whom were intelligent and talented and supremely interesting.
Just to put all this history in perspective, it is important to note that ZOD is still on the air, still on Sunset Ridge, and is still used every day.
We have ambitious plans to expand the system back to, not only its previous high coverage point of repeaters from Little San Gorgonio Peak to Palos Verdes but beyond, to coverage in the low desert all the way to the Mexican border and coverage in the high desert all the way to Tehachapi.
Thanks, Dan, for preserving this vital history. Your work is important and very much appreciated.
<<<< Bil Seymour -- WA6MOD >>>>
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Sunday 20:51 10.15.2006 |
Neil McKie |
Hello Dan,
Thanks for sending me the message that got me here.
Neil - WA6KLA
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Monday 10:15 07.31.2006 |
Bob Ahrens |
Hi Dan,
Just thought I would say "hi" and pass along a pat on the back (did you feel that?) for a job well done. We old farts do wax nostalgic from time to time -- and enjoy it when our reminiscing bones get tickled a little. Hope all is well with you.
former WA6SNG
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Monday 19:50 07.17.2006 |
Don Metzger |
Just to let you know the site works using the FIREFOX browser also.
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Date: |
Monday 19:43 07.17.2006 |
Don Metzger |
Thanks for the time and effort that went into this, I do not have the time to read it all now but will later.
Hope all is going well for you and your wife.